Pet Insurance
Pet insurance often covers you for more than your vet bills. If your pet goes missing, and you have pet insurance for them, follow our advice to see whether you’re covered for our premium services.

This should be on the email or letter you received when you bought the policy.
Check the policy is still live and you’re up to date with all premiums payable.
If you have more than one pet, make sure your policy covers the pet that’s gone missing.

Most policies require you to advise your vet and microchip company within a short period of time following your pet going missing.
Some policies have more conditions, so check carefully and make sure you meet the conditions.
Ideally, keep a written record of compliance.

Cover for advertising and reward varies between insurance companies and between policies they offer.
It’s normally between £500 and £1,000, however in some policies it can be as high as £3,000.

All policies are different, so it’s very important to check with your provider before you incur costs.
We advise everyone to use their insurer’s webchat facility (if they have one). Webchat facilities normally email you a copy of the conversation when it’s complete, wihch is very useful in case you need to rely on it in the future.
Ask for ‘Advertising and Rewards Cover’, not ‘Lost Pet Compensation’ - they’re often confused, even by the insurer’s advisers.