
Authorities can help to reunite you with your missing pet. Local council workers can find or notify vets of found pets within the local area. It can result in not being the nicest call but it can give you the closure you need.

What authorities should i contact?

Often local authorities can be the first to know when a pet is collected and where the pet has been taken. Authorities you can contact:

  • Contact the local council- often the street cleaning department.
  • Contact local Dog Warden
  • Contact Network Rail
  • Contact the police on 101
  • Why should I call the council?

    It's a distressing call to have to make, but it is important to find out who is responsible for collecting animals that have sadly been involved in road accidents in your area. Your local council will be able to point you in the right direction. You just need to ask for cleansing services, and you will be transferred to the right department. Most local authorities do scan collected animals for microchips, although some don't so it is important for you to know which procedure is followed in your area. If your Local Authority doesn't scan then it will still record the details of the pet so you may need to call regularly whilst your pet is missing.

    Important information to pass onto them
    Detailed description of your pet- identifiable markings etc.
    If your pet is chipped (Microchip number) or neutered
    Type of pet and breed
    Sex of your pet
    Your contact details- Name, number and address

    Why should I contact Network Rail?

    If you live near a railway line you can contact Network Rail in case they have had any reports of a pet on the tracks. You can not get access to areas close to the tracks, therefore you will need to ask for a member of their team to go and check for you.

    How to contact the local dog warden?

    If you have lost a dog, you should contact your local dog warden as soon as possible. You can also contact other dog wardens in areas that surround the missing location. It is a legal requirement for a member of the public to report a loose dog to the dog warden, so they are a great source of information.

    You can find your local dog warden and contact number here