
When your pet goes missing you do not have to search alone. Using your community to help is important as the more eyes on the ground the better.

Where do I reach out to?

You can reach out to your local community groups, churches, schools, and businesses letting them know that your pet is missing. They can help by distributing and displaying your pet’s missing poster, perhaps putting it on their social media accounts, and schools can also include your pet’s poster in their weekly newsletter or in their weekly assembly, all of which instantly increase awareness. Local scout and guides groups can also help distribute leaflets and posters to neighbours.

Should I talk to my neighbours?

Knocking on neighbours’ doors is a way to let them know about your missing pet and to ask them to keep an eye out. From experience with our Pet Watch community, neighbours often know when new pets enter their gardens compared to the ones that visit regularly and are the perfect people to report sightings and feedback anything they may have noticed since your pet went missing.

A community often comes together when a pet is missing. You can organise a search party, with pairs or small groups taking different routes to cover as much ground as possible.

Ways to reach your community
Local lost and found groups on facebook
Local Schools
Local community centres
Local street whatsapp groups
Local religious buildings


When reporting your missing pet on our website we will notify our PetWatch Community in your area. These are people that have used us in the past or gone through the same situation at some point. They will receive all your missing pet information and photos to keep an eye out for you.

They can reach out to offer you further advice and help via our secure messaging system on our website. Having local people out looking for your missing pet can help you cover more ground than searching alone.